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Customer Reviews

See what our customers are saying about our herbal solutions.

Pranveda's products transformed my wellness journey and boosted my energy immensely.

Dharam Rathod

Ahmedabad, Gujarat

I highly recommend Pranveda! The moringa leaf powder has significantly improved my digestion and overall wellness. Fast delivery and great quality make them a trusted choice.

A dropper filled with golden liquid is being held above a small white dish, which contains some of the liquid. A bottle labeled as Premium CBD Oil 500mg lies on the olive-green surface beside the dish. A sprig of sage or similar herb is placed next to the dish, contributing to the natural aesthetic.
A dropper filled with golden liquid is being held above a small white dish, which contains some of the liquid. A bottle labeled as Premium CBD Oil 500mg lies on the olive-green surface beside the dish. A sprig of sage or similar herb is placed next to the dish, contributing to the natural aesthetic.
Snehal Mistry

Mumbai, India


Moringa પાઉડર લેવાથી મને ઘણો ફાયદો થયો છે , આ પાઉડર ની શરૂઆત કર્યા બાદ diabetic ની દવા ના ડોજ માં પણ ઘટાડો થયો છે.

Praful Patel

Vadodara, Gujarat


boosted my energy and strength

Three white plastic bottles of dietary supplements with labels. Two bottles are upright on a wooden surface, while the third is balanced on top. The background features green grass and trees in soft focus.
Three white plastic bottles of dietary supplements with labels. Two bottles are upright on a wooden surface, while the third is balanced on top. The background features green grass and trees in soft focus.
Aarav Sharma

Delhi, India